configure snmpv3 add mib-view

configure snmpv3 add mib-view [[hex hex_view_name] | view_name] subtree object_identifier {subtree_mask} {type [included | excluded]} {volatile}


Adds (and modifies) a MIB view.

Syntax Description

hex_view_name Specifies the MIB view name to add or modify. The value is to be supplies as a colon separated string of hex octets.
view_name Specifies the MIB view name to add or modify in ASCII format.
object_identifier Specifies a MIB subtree.
subtree_mask Specifies a hex octet string used to mask the subtree. For example, f7a indicates
included Specifies that the MIB subtree defined by subtree/mask is to be included.
excluded Specifies that the MIB subtree defined by subtree/mask is to be excluded.
volatile Specifies volatile storage.


The default mask value is an empty string (all 1s). The other default values are included and non-volatile.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a MIB view into a subtree of the MIB. If the view already exists, this command modifies the view to additionally include or exclude the specified subtree.

In addition to the created MIB views, there are three default views. They are: defaultUserView, defaultAdminView, and defaultNotifyView.


The following command creates the MIB view allMIB with the subtree 1.3 included as non-volatile:

configure snmpv3 add mib-view allMIB subtree 1.3

The following command creates the view extremeMib with the subtree included as non-volatile:

configure snmpv3 add mib-view extremeMib subtree

The following command creates a view vrrpTrapNewMaster which excludes VRRP notification .1 and the entry is volatile:

configure snmpv3 add mib-view vrrpTrapNewMaster type excluded volatile


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

The hex_view_name parameter was added in ExtremeXOS 11.0.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, and X695 series switches.